I find myself explaining what I do as an Aromatherapist, more and
more these days. Recently when I explained what I do to a friend, she stopped me and said "Dear... you do so much more than a common Aromatherapist." Since the situations and circumstances that I make unique
blends for vary, and are often very personal, allow me to make an example of
Through the last few weeks I’ve felt quite overwhelmed. The
rising health concern surrounding my dog, my own stint with a day long ride of
vertigo, and the stress of considering where I am going to live come May, has
had me chasing my own tail, upping the ante in the “doing” department, and
basically waring myself out. While I have had the blessing of people coming
into my presence recently whom remind me I am a source of light, I haven’t felt
that way… I’ve felt weighted down and barred away from life, and a bit
isolated. As a token to anchor myself, I
decided to make myself a personal blend.
Essential oils have a wide variety of uses and functions. They not only have become well-known for their what they impart to the air aromatically but also for their capacity to lend assistance therapeutically to one’s mind, emotions, and physical body. In this way they truly are unique in their ability to integrate our entire being.
I make blends for myself for many reasons: when I have a gnarly
illness, mysterious injury or wound, and at turning points in my life. This most
recent blend I made with the intention to connect me with my higher self, align
me with my greater purpose and empower my inner strength to look beyond the
veil of temporary security, into the far reaches of what calls me into the
unknown. I made this blend to deepen my breath, to connect me to my core being
and to encourage me to embrace my own gifts of becoming.
To make a custom blend I first begin with the intention, and
then I create an energetically clean and sacred space; I call in specific
Archangels and my own personal guides (if I am blending for someone else, I
call on their personal Guides). With
their energetic help, I am a conduit for choosing the appropriate oils for the
blend. I document and create the blend, and hand-write out the chosen oils and
their summary of properties to confirm their resonance. When I create custom
blends for others, I label it with their name and it is accompanied by a
hand-written card detailing the oils and their message.
My personal blend for this round is a synergistic combination of:Golden Champa, Rose Absolute, Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Lemon Verbena, Clove, Ginger Root and Patchouli. A summary of their spiritual properties follows:
Golden Champa is an oil "renowned for its use for channeling"; Rose Absolute "touches and stirs the spirit, sometimes even awakening the acknowledgment of divine mysteries"; Grapefruit "rouses the spirit from slumber, giving it the impetus to pay attention to the guidance being given to mankind. Energizing and enlivening"; Lemon Verbena is cleansing and purifying for the body and mind. Lemongrass "clears regrets or shame, encouraging forgiveness of those who have dishonored us. It encourages upliftment, balance and integration. Clove Bud passes to us the sensitive confidence we need to be unafraid." Ginger Root is "a fragrance of valor and courage, it helps us to walk along a new and brighter road." Patchouli "brings within it the sense of the sacredness of life. It is also a fragrance of action, knowing that no ideal will occur unless we take the first steps to make it happen."
I anoint my wrists and décolletage as I would any perfume. Blended in base of Neroli-flower infused Organic Jojoba Oil, in a gold-etched roll-on bottle, using this blend has become a morning ceremony to honor myself and bring in the day.
If you are interested in a custom blend for yourself or for
a loved one you can contact me for more information through my personal email: oilartisan@gmail.com or my etsy site: http://www.etsy.com/shop/esentaapothecary

Many years ago, while studying our olfactory sense of memory
and the functions of essential oils, I began to reason that not every essential
oil may work for each individual in the same way due to imprints within our
memory. I began making customized blends for people who were either dealing
with a condition that had a degree of mystery to it, or was of chronic nature.
As I used my method I began to see oils show up that had more benefit to the
emotions than to the physical body and began to be interested in this observation. At this point I was, in a rather kismet way,
introduced to a book by Valarie Worwood, detailing the emotional and spiritual properties of
essential oils. At the same time, I was studying the author Louis Hays, whom is
renowned for her efforts in recognizing the emotional connection to physical
illness. I came to recognize essential oils as truly unique in their ability to
work in all realms of one’s being, particularly for their role in quieting the
emotions, and how much that can benefit the body’s overall wellness.
(The quotes above were gathered from Valarie Ann Worwood's book: The Fragrant Heavens.)
You are amazing and inspirational thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you Dear One, I’ll do my best to keep shining my light.