Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mysterious Wound Salve, is now available on Etsy!

Mysterious Wound Salve

Made for people who work and play hard, Mysterious Wound Salve was originally created for the owner of a artistic welding studio. He found himself with a mysterious festering wound of which I offered my services to create a possible remedy. He gratefully agreed and revealed to me an area where the festering wound once existed to be healed with minimal scarring. He now uses the salve for everything from burns, scrapes and other injuries, sharing it with those in the neighborhood who also work and play hard. Now I offer it to you!

Made with only the purest ingredients: Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, wildcrafted plantain leaf, Vitamin E, Organic Olive Oil, Beeswax, and the essential oils of True Lavender, Spike Lavender, Rosemary Verbenone, Tea Tree, and lots of love.

Each screw-top tin comes in two sizes: 1 oz, or 30ml in volume; or 2 oz., or 60ml in volume.

Conditions which may benefit from this salve include: Mysterious Wounds, Work-related injuries.
Plantain oil is useful for cell regeneration, healing tissue, bites, inflammation, and bacterial infections.

Find it here, on Etsy.com!

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